An entrant is a subject made up of one or more participants.
A group leader may belong only to the category of designer.
A group leader may not be changed.
The registration code must not appear on any communications with the platform (requests for clarification) or on the files required by the online procedure.
An entrant must first register on the site by furnishing information such as:
first and last name, PEC email (1), password and acceptance of privacy clause.
During registration, a new entrant creates a unique identity code called the registration code.
The first and last names and PEC email indicated at registration are those of the group leader; this information may not be modified subsequently.
Participants added subsequently may belong to any category, but may never become the group leader.
Following the rules explained above, before proceeding with registration, in the case of group participation, it is important to identify the group leader and use his/her data for registration to obtain the registration code.
All communication between the Competition's web platform and the entrant shall take place using the group leader's PEC email.

(1) N.B.: for registering on the platform, use of certified email is not allowed, in that this type of mailbox is used exclusively for communication between Government and governmental agencies and the Citizen as a private citizen and not acting as a company or as a professional. See: Article 16 bis comma 5 of law number 2/2009.
At the end of registration, an email shall be sent to the PEC address indicated; said email shall contain the registration code to be used in all phases of the competition and a link to click to activate registration and guarantee the accuracy of the PEC email address used.
If the entrant does not receive an email for activation, he/she may request a re-send using the function of retrieve link for activation (recupera link di attivazione). The entrant must click on the link received in the email to complete registration.
The activation link has no expiration date.
After having clicked on the activation link, the entrant will be redirected to the Login page.
Retrieve password
In case of necessity, the entrant may fill out a form to retrieve a password (recupero della password), indicating the PEC email address and the registration code. The system provides for creating a new password and sending it to the PEC email address provided by the entrant.
The new password substitutes the old one indicated during registration and may not be changed; it is always possible to use the retrieve a password function (recupero della password).


Once registration is complete, the entrant can use the registration code and password to access the Reserved Area (Area Riservata) where all the functions needed to participate in the competition may be found.
The competition in one single phase:
  • The single phase, accessible to all registered participants, provides for transmission of Envelope A with personal data and Envelope B with the materials for design projects;
Participation in the competition provides for submitting a file made up of personal data (Virtual Envelope A) and design projects (Virtual Envelope B).
For the platform, the order in which the two Envelopes are prepared and completed makes no difference. For example, it is possible to add materials to Virtual Envelope B and subsequently complete the information in Virtual Envelope A or vice versa.

Entrant's homepage
The entrants' homepage shows the main information about the competition:
  • entrant's registration code
  • the link to the instructions and the mailbox for assistance in using the platform
  • the state of the Notice with the end date of the current phase highlighted
  • the participation area selected by the entrant or link to the page to select it (*)
In the right-hand column of the website, the entrant will always find information concerning:
  • participation area selected (*)
  • state of the competition Notice
  • deadlines for submitting requests for clarification
  • state of completion of the 2 Envelopes.
To make clear the state of completion, the system uses circular icons that change to 3 different colors:

rosso incomplete action
giallo action to be completed
verde action completed and confirmed

It will be possible to transmit the file, by the dates set for the competition, only once you have completed and closed the 2 virtual envelopes, and selected the ​​participation area.
Select the ​​participation area (*)
If the competition requires identification of the ​​participation area, you can select or modify it at any time before the deadline for Phase 1/sole Phase / fase 1/unica , provided the file has not been closed and delivered.
Each entrant may select only one ​​participation area.
To select the ​​participation area, the entrant must click on the link Select the area / Seleziona l’area present in the entrant's homepage / homepage del concorrente and in the section ENTRANT PROFILE/AREA / PROFILO CONCORRENTE / AREA.
After making the selection, the name of the area chosen will appear in the entrant's homepage and in the ENTRANT PROFILE/AREA / PROFILO CONCORRENTE / AREA section.
Next to the name of the area selected, there will always be a link enabling you to change the area.
It is compulsory to select the participation area before you can download the summary document/application form (PDF of the documents to be signed to complete Envelope A / PDF dei documenti da firmare per completare la Busta A), as this document shows the CIG (Competition Identification Code) and the name of the area selected.
If, after downloading, completing, signing and uploading the PDF of the documents to be signed to complete Envelope A / PDF dei documenti da firmare per completare la Busta A, you wish to change the ​​participation area, you must:
  1. delete the summary document/application form (PDF of documents to be signed to complete Envelope A / PDF dei documenti da firmare per completare la Busta A) previously uploaded
  2. select the new ​​participation area
  3. download the updated version of the summary document (PDF of documents to be signed to complete Envelope A / PDF dei documenti da firmare per completare la Busta A)
  4. fill in, sign, and upload the summary document updated with the data for the new area selected.
It is possible to change the participation area as often as you wish, and at any time before the deadline for delivery of the documents for Phase 1/sole Phase / fase 1/unica on condition that the file has not been closed and delivered, by following the directions above.
Requests for clarification
In the reserved area, entrants can submit requests for clarification about the competition.
The deadline for the submission of clarification requests is shown on both the homepage and in the REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION / RICHIESTE DI CHIARIMENTI section in the right-hand column.
If the deadline for submission of applications has not expired, you can submit a question by accessing the section REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION > insert a request for clarification / RICHIESTE DI CHIARIMENTI > inserisci una richiesta di chiarimento.
After the deadline for publication of the answers by the RUP, a new item will be available on the QUESTIONS / DOMANDE menu, where you will be able to read the answers and download a PDF file with all the questions/answers from entrants.
N.B. Requests for clarification must be anonymous and contain nothing that enables them to be identified.
Submit a comment
After the deadline for Phase 1/sole Phase / fase 1/unica , it will be possible to submit a comment for the RUP by accessing the section SUBMIT A COMMENT TO THE RUP > submit a comment / INVIA UNA SEGNALAZIONE AL RUP > scrivi una segnalazione.
This feature is available for four days after the deadline for delivery of the file.
The RUP may answer the comment; if an answer is provided, the entrant will receive an email indicating that the answer is available in the reserved area by accessing the section FEEDBACK COMMENTS > read replies to comments / RISCONTRO SEGNALAZIONI > leggi le risposte alle segnalazioni.


Virtual Envelope A calls for providing personal data of the entrant whether single or in a group.
Personal Data for Entrant and Information of Other Participants
The platform asks that the group leader complete his/her own personal data by accessing the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A > list of participants / BUSTA VIRTUALE A > elenco partecipanti and by clicking on the button modify / modifica your personal data.
The platform allows for creating a list of participants for each registered entrant.
These people may be defined by accessing the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A > list of participants / BUSTA VIRTUALE A > elenco partecipanti, by clicking on the button create a new participant / crea un nuovo partecipante and completing the personal data sheet.
The platform requires that the following rules be followed:
  • The group leader must have registration number for the Professional Order
  • Each participant in the category "designer" must be inserted with his/her own number for registration in the Professional Order
After having completed the personal data sheets, it is necessary to load a file of each participant's identity card by accessing the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A > list of documents for participants / BUSTA VIRTUALE A > elenco documenti dei partecipanti and clicking on the button upload identity card in Virtual Envelope A / carica carta di identità nella busta virtuale A.
It is furthermore possible, but not obligatory, to upload the file of an additional document for each participant, such as for example the authorization of a Company.
The platform allows for visualizing the uploaded documents by clicking on the button view / visualizza of the line corresponding to the participant. If you wish to substitute a file for a participant, it is necessary to first eliminate the file by clicking on the corresponding delete / elimina button, and then upload a new file clicking on the button Upload identity card in Virtual Envelope A / carica carta di identità nella busta virtuale A or Upload additional document in Virtual Envelope A / carica documento aggiuntivo nella busta virtuale A.
The status of completion of personal data and PDF files for participants may always be viewed in the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A > list of participants / BUSTA VIRTUALE A > elenco partecipanti.
Participant Management
Participants may be added, modified or removed at the discretion of the entrant; only the group leader may not be eliminated; moreover, the data entered regarding the group leader upon first registration may not be modified.
When a participant is eliminated, all his/her personal data and possible uploaded documents will be removed.
Confirmation of entrant's personal data and for other participants in a group
The platform requires specific confirmation of the data in Virtual Envelope A that has been inserted up to now in order to generate a summary document that the entrant must download and then complete, sign and upload.
When the information is complete and the identity cards of all participants have been inserted and uploaded in the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A > list of documents of participants / BUSTA VIRTUALE A > elenco documenti dei partecipanti, a button will appear Confirm participants' data / conferma dati partecipanti.
To be able to proceed, you must click this button to complete insertion of data, after which it cannot be modified, and thus you may move on to the subsequent step.
Download documents to be signed
After having clicked the button Confirm participants' data / conferma dati partecipanti, while still in the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A > list of documents of participants / BUSTA VIRTUALE A > elenco documenti dei partecipanti, the entrant must click the new button Download PDF of documents to sign to complete Envelope A in order to download the PDF file generated by the platform with all the documents needed in order to complete VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A / BUSTA VIRTUALE A.
In the PDF file, you will find in particular the following documents that are partially pre-filled in by the platform:
  • Application (to be filled out by group leader), made up of
    - personal data, company data and other declarations of the Group leader
    - personal data of the other designers if the entrant is represented by a group
    - definition of group leader with space for signature of the other designers participating if entrant is a group
    - personal data of collaborators and/or consultants
  • Self-declaration in substitution of affidavit, made up of
    - 3 pages for group leader, with space for signature
    - 1 page for each designer, if entrant is a group
  • Group data sheet with summary of data for group leader, for other designers if the entrant is a group, and for possible collaborators and/or consultants
  • Consent for treatment of personal data with space for signature
  • Text of law D.Lgs.163/06 - Art. 38
Upload signed documents
The entrant must download this file (declaration_participants.pdf), print it, complete the missing data, sign where it is indicated (group leader and other designers/collaborators/consultants), scan all the pages of the document (except for the text of the law D.Lgs. 163/06 – Art. 38) and upload the complete PDF by clicking on the button upload PDF of signed documents / carica PDF dei documenti firmati.
It is possible to view the uploaded document by clicking on the button view / visualizza on the corresponding line. If necessary, for example if you realize that signatures are missing or some data is incomplete, you may eliminate the document by clicking on the button delete / elimina and uploading it again by clicking on the button upload PDF of signed documents / carica PDF dei documenti firmati. By uploading this file, VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A / BUSTA VIRTUALE A is complete, and ready for closure.


The virtual envelope B / BUSTA VIRTUALE B requires you to upload the documents defined by the competition Notice in PDF format.
If necessary, you will be requested to enter a text summarizing the report by using the appropriate button.
Upload the documents requested
The platform allows you to upload the design boards and the report by accessing the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE B> list of documents / BUSTA VIRTUALE B > elenco elaborati.
On this page, the list of files uploaded and text summarizing the report are always visible, if so required.
The time sequence in which the files are loaded makes no difference to the platform.
The entrant must click on the button upload a board / carica una tavola to upload a board, then select its number.
It is possible to see the board loaded by clicking the button display / visualizza in the corresponding line. If you want to replace a board, you must delete it by clicking the delete / elimina button in the appropriate line and then proceed with the new upload.
The same functions are available for the other files requested. In this case you must use the button upload a document / carica un documento and choose the type of document (e.g. report, calculation of expense, press summary and images / relazione, calcolo di spesa, summury press and images)
As described above, until the envelope is closed, you can replace the files requested a number of times.


The procedure for transmitting documents and materials in One Single Phase of the competition requires completion of Virtual Envelope A, Virtual Envelope B and subsequently closing the file.
To proceed to close the file / chiusura del plico and thus to transmit it, it is necessary that Virtual Envelope A and Virtual Envelope B be complete and in the giallo state. In this condition, the button confirm, close and send virtual file One Single Phase / conferma, CHIUDI e trasmetti plico virtuale Fase Unica in the right hand column of the box CLOSE VIRTUAL FILE – ONE SINGLE PHASE / CHIUDI PLICO VIRTUALE - FASE UNICA will appear and in the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE B> list of materials / BUSTA VIRTUALE B > elenco elaborati.
Once the procedure is ended, the entrant will receive an email with the date and hour of transmission of the File of One Single Phase at the PEC email address used for registration.
After having sent the file, the entrant will be able to consult the documents sent by accessing the Reserved Area.

(*) Available only if the competition offers more areas.